At least she won't give birth to another dirty, stinking, sweaty, ignorant, robbing, pajama-wearing, bomb-making, AK47-wielding, murdering, democracy-hating, welfare -cheating, lazy, horrible, good-for-nothing terrorist. Finally the warden said, "What is wrong with you?" The Muslim replied, "You infidels are so stupid.I'm wearing a condom!"Ī: A f*cking godsend. Now he was laughing so hard, tears rolled from his eyes and he doubled over. Then the Muslim said, "Give me another one of those shots," so the guards did. The guards looked at each other and wondered what was wrong with this guy. Then the Muslim said, "Give me some of that AIDS stuff." They gave him the injection, and the Muslim fell down laughing. Then the Jew said, "Just hang me." (Snap, he was dead.) So the Christian said, "Shoot me right in the head." (Boom, he was dead instantly).

The warden gave them a choice of three ways to die: There was a Christian, a Jew and a Muslim on death row. Q: How do you know when your staying in a Muslim hotel?Ī: When you call the front desk and say "I've gotta leak in my sink" and the person at the front desk says "go ahead."Ī new law recently passed in Saudi Arabia: When a couple gets divorced, they're still brother and sister

Q: How come toothbrush boxes never come with instructions in Arabic?Ī: Whoever heard of a Muslim who brushes his teeth? How does a Muslim tell when his future bride is way too young for marriage?Ī: When he has to make the airplane noise just to get his penis in her mouth. Q: Most Muslim countries allow men to marry young girls. Sadly that's not funny, it's just plain true. Before we start with the humor allow me to observe that a woman converting to Islam is like a black person converting to slavery.